Saturday, April 17, 2010

Runaway teens suspected in elderly woman's beating death | Bakersfield Now - News, Weather and Sports | Local & Regional News

Runaway teens suspected in elderly woman's beating death Bakersfield Now - News, Weather and Sports Local & Regional News These are the faces of the three suspects who killed an innocent 81 year old women. If you know where they are or have any information please call the police and let them know. Just remember: If it was your Grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, friend and someone knew something wouldn't you want them to say something? I would!

Children are suspects in grandmother's killing -

Children are suspects in grandmother's killing -
This is what are youth is doing. This is what we have to look forward to our future doing. Why have our children turned to such drastic measures and for what? This is not the first time that young children have killed an innocent elder. Mr. Perez, who was in his early eighties, was also killed by three young boys. Mr. Perez was just collecting cans at 5:30 am when the boys beat him to death for a few dollars he had and his cans. When the boys were caught, it was found that all three children's parents had been in and out of jail themselves. When is the cycle going to stop? Our future seems to be going down hill and if we don't do something as a community, as a city, as a state, as a nation where will we be when we are in our eighties?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Neighborhood shocked after elderly woman brutally killed | Northeast Bakersfield News

Neighborhood shocked after elderly woman brutally killed Northeast Bakersfield News
Watch the video. It is sad and is too, too close to home. This is a local news video of a story of an 81 year old women who was killed by two possibly three people for no apparent reason because nothing was taken from the house. How can someone do something like this? This was some bodies mother, sister, aunt, cousin, grandmother, great-grandmother, friend and she lived about a block away from my Grandmother. Something needs to be done about the lack of respect that people show our elders these days and we need some more police support for East Bakersfield as well. One day my Grandma called the cops because there were two men sitting on her lawn smoking and drinking who she did not know. They used her water hose in the front yard to drink some water and wash their hand and yet no one showed up. My Grandmother will be 80 years old next month and when my uncle, who lives with her, got home and asked the guys what they were doing and told them they needed to leave, they responded with "Well the old lady was asleep in the house on a chair so we didn't think she'd mind." My uncle got home three hours after my Grandma called the cops and they never showed up to my Grandma's house. Now with this happening I fear for my Grandma's safety.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Slideshows of real life events

My slide show is here I chose this because it showed the emotion the community went through with the loss of, at the time, 25 miners. There was a sign of support for the miners hanging from a house and a veteran shows respect for those who died by putting the flag at half-mast. The slide that touched me the most was the picture of the children watching the news of their dad who had died in the mine. As a mom, I think that would be the worse thing to see, is my child having to watch a terrible event that her dad was involved in. The next thing is the fact that this mine had recorded an injury rate worse than the national average for similar operations. The last slide really ends it the way this story is going to end. The end is in a church after a vigil for the victims of the blast, really bringing things to an end.